Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance (TA) is a service provided to child care facilities to help an individual classroom, multiple classrooms, and/or an entire program start-up, address a corrective action requirement(s), and/or achieve or maintain higher quality. Technical assistance is guided by a mutually developed and agreed upon plan to accomplish specific program start-up, licensing issues, and/or quality improvement goals. Technical assistance plans vary in terms of depth and duration (may be intensive, extensive, long term, or less intensive and more narrowly defined and accomplished within a short time frame). Technical assistance is delivered in person, by phone, by mail, or by e-mail.
Support for Opening a New Child Care Program
Support is available to help potential child care providers open a new child care facility. The Executive Director and/or Administrative/Program Coordinator will provide support with program start-up efforts following the steps below:
Work with the potential provider to complete the Child Care Provider Questionnaire.
Inform the potential provider of the laws and regulations involved in operating a regulated child care program.
Inform the potential provider of the current supply and demand for child care in Caswell County.
Provide the potential provider with information on local resources and encourage them to contact the local building inspector and child care licensing consultant early in the process to learn about specific requirements.
Provide the potential provider with the appropriate Program Licensure Process based on the intended number of children to be served and program location:
Family Child Care Home Licensure Process — to provide care in your home for a maximum of five children birth to age five years or up to eight children, if at least three are school-aged
Child Care Center Licensure Process — to provide care for more than five preschool children
Share information about the appropriate pre-licensing workshop. Individuals interested in opening a child care program are required to attend a pre-licensing workshop sponsored by NC Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE).
Provide the potential provider with other appropriate resources to address their needs and interests (i.e. information on the Child Care Subsidy program, early childhood college courses, etc.).
Technical Assistance Services
The Caswell County Partnership for Children (CCPFC) will contract with a qualified applicant to provide Technical Assistance services. The applicant that is selected will be required to provide documentation that he or she meets the Technical Assistance Requirements as established by the North Carolina Partnership for Children and the NC Child Care Resource and Referral Council. The CCPFC Executive Director, the appropriate staff from the contracted entity, and the center director or family child care provider will make a determination regarding which type of technical assistance is needed and, if quality improvement, which star-rated license the program can reasonably achieve.
Types of Technical Assistance:
I. Quality Improvement
Technical assistance is available to help child care centers and family child care providers apply for and achieve a higher star rated license of at least four stars.
II. Maintenance and Reassessment
Technical assistance is available to help child care centers and family child care homes maintain their current four or five-star rated license.
III. Mandatory Technical Assistance
Mandatory technical assistance is available to help child care centers and/or family child care homes identified by DCDEE as not meeting minimum licensing requirements. Most often these programs have provisional licenses, are under a pending investigation, and/or have received an administrative or corrective action.
Additional resources can be found on the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education website.
applications for Technical Assistance for FY 2021-2022
If you are interested in receiving technical assistance (coaching/consultation) to attain a higher star rating, maintain a current star rating or to improve upon a certain area of quality, anytime from July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 please complete & submit this application using this link https://forms.gle/qXq93idhkiJubYWk8 by 4pm on Monday, May 24, 2021. We realize you may still have questions about how your site will operate next school year; however, your response will assist us in planning for services.
Technical assistance will include the following components:
1. Use of pre/post research-based assessments such as:
· Environment rating scales (ECERS, ITERS, FCCERS); and/or
· CLASS™ (Classroom Assessment Scoring System)
2. Commitment to work on goals included in a mutually developed Technical Assistance Plan
3. Completion of Surveys and/or Reports on your program’s participation in the project
4. If seeking higher stars outside of the reassessment cycle, you agree to apply for the new license within six months of receiving services
5. Grants may be available as part of receiving Technical Assistance