Resource Lending Library Videos
Videos about our Resource lending library
At the Caswell County Partnership for Children (CCPFC) we are happy to assist you with your educational efforts by providing numerous resources. Our Resource Lending Library offers high quality educational materials and professional equipment for parents, child care providers, early childhood education students, and other individuals working with children. Visitors to the library must either live or work with children in Caswell County.
Effective September 14, 2020:
Resource Lending Library Procedures for COVID-19
Additional steps are being taken to ensure the health of everyone who uses the Resource Lending Library. Among other things outlined in the pdf below, one person at a time will be allowed in the library, and by appointment only. Please wear a mask and use the hand sanitizer before and after handling resources. The room will be disinfected between visits. All other Resource Lending Library procedures remain in effect. An inventory of resources available is listed below, by the online request form.